3 Chamberlain St. Campbelltown NSW 2560

FOCUS Connect

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Financial Emergency Relief Liverpool

Financial Emergency Relief Liverpool

Hardship Financial and Material Support for Liverpool Families

Looking for immediate financial support? At FOCUS Connect, we have several financial and material assistance programs for Liverpool families facing financial hardships.

From Hardship to Hope

Creating Pathways to Prosperity 

At FOCUS Connect, we empathise with the struggles faced by individuals and families during times of financial hardship. Trying to make ends meet in such situations can feel like an uphill battle. But with the right guidance and support, the path forward becomes clearer and less steep. That's why we've developed a comprehensive range of programs for providing reliable financial and material support for anyone who might need it.

a family posing for a picture together and smiling

FOCUS Connect's Supportive Assistance

Finance Options

Budgeting Education & Support

Finding it hard to keep your finances in check? FOCUS Connect understands the financial hurdles faced by many, particularly in hard times. Our Budgeting Education & Support program equips singles and families in Liverpool with essential skills and knowledge to navigate financial difficulties more confidently. We offer tailored budgeting advice and support to guide you toward financial independence and stability. Let's work together to improve your financial management skills.

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Utility Bills (Electricity, Water & Telstra)

Worried about covering your next round of utility bills? Dealing with late payments for electricity, water, or even Telstra services can add a good amount of stress to your already busy life. FOCUS Connect empathises with your situation. Our financial assistance program helps Liverpool residents struggling to balance their budgets and ensure access to essential utilities. We're here to support the fundamental needs of individuals and families and foster a sense of stability during hard times.

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Financial Counseling Referral

Swamped by debt or unsure about your financial choices? FOCUS Connect is here to light the way to a better financial tomorrow with our Financial Counselling Referral services. We connect individuals and families in Liverpool with qualified professional financial counsellors who can provide expert advice and practical solutions to the financial problems they are facing. From tackling debt and budgeting dilemmas to giving reliable financial advice, our recommended counsellors are on hand to offer the support and encouragement you need to achieve financial wellbeing.

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Food Assistance

Worried about where your next meal is coming from? At FOCUS Connect, we hold a firm belief that no individual should endure the plight of hunger or the distress over how to feed their family. Our Food Assistance program aims to quickly address the needs of those in Liverpool facing food scarcity. We offer emergency food relief to make sure everyone has the sustenance they need to maintain their health and wellbeing. We are here to help relieve the burden of ensuring you and your loved ones are fed during times of financial hardships.

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Prescription Medications

Need help covering the costs of your prescription meds? FOCUS Connect is fully aware of the importance of having easy access to essential medications, especially during times of financial hardships. Our Prescription Medications assistance program eliminates cost as an obstacle to obtaining the medical care you need. We want to keep those in Liverpool healthy and well so that they can concentrate on getting better and improving their quality of life.

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No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)

Need a loan but worried about interest and fees? Look no further than FOCUS Connect's No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) for relief. This program supports CALD individuals and families in Liverpool needing financial aid for important expenses like household items, medical care, or educational materials without the burden of interest. Secure the funding you need immediately and pay it back in feasible instalments. The FOCUS Connect team is here to assist you in funding your essential needs worry-free.

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